Fight noise with high-performance acoustic insulation solutions


Noise is an increasingly present problem in our daily lives, and not only can it cause discomfort, but it can also result in permanent damage to our health. Prolonged exposure to loud noises can temporarily or even permanently affect hearing. Additionally, it negatively influences other essential aspects such as rest, concentration, and even effective communication.

Noise is not just an inconvenience in the workplace or industrial spaces; it also affects the quality of life at home and in public environments. From city traffic to HVAC systems, noise levels have become a challenge requiring effective solutions.

At Flexicel Group, we understand the importance of creating quieter and more comfortable environments, both to improve quality of life and to ensure compliance with safety and well-being regulations. That’s why we offer a wide range of acoustic insulation solutions that can be adapted to different needs. The main areas where noise reduction is focused are:

General noise reduction in the workplace:

One of the biggest challenges today is minimizing noise in work environments, as prolonged exposure to high noise levels can cause stress, auditory fatigue, and affect productivity. With our acoustic insulation materials, it is possible to create quieter and safer workspaces, improving both employee comfort and efficiency.

Environmental noise reduction:

Urban noise, generated by traffic, construction, or industrial activity, is a growing problem in cities and densely populated areas. Using proper acoustic insulation materials allows for control over these noise levels, protecting people from their harmful impact, whether in offices, homes, or public spaces.

Noise control in HVAC systems:

The equipment and pipes of HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) systems can also be a significant source of noise. These sounds not only affect the acoustic comfort of buildings, but they can also spread through the structures, amplifying the nuisance. Our specialized materials are designed to reduce this type of noise, ensuring that HVAC systems operate more quietly and efficiently.

Acoustic insulation as a comfort ally

Noise generated by elements such as rainwater pipes or drainage systems is especially annoying. The sounds produced by water flow, particularly in pipe bends and elbows, can travel through the building structure, affecting the acoustic comfort of homes or workplaces. In this sense, having high-performance insulation is essential, not only to ensure tranquility in the space but also to preserve people's quality of life.

At Flexicel, we offer a wide range of materials and solutions tailored to the specific needs of each project. From wall and floor soundproofing to noise control in machinery and pipes, our team of experts is here to advise and help you choose the most suitable acoustic insulation material.

Find personalized solutions to combat noise, visit our acoustic solutions, and discover how we can help you.

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